Feedback from community forum 25TH FEB 2023
OPEN SPACES and LEISURE - Feedback from the Forum 25th Feb 2023
Open Spaces and Leisure - summary:-
1. Arboretum(9)
2. Rec. Club and Ground(6)
3. Village Hall(4)
4. Footpaths/River(7)
5 Pubs/restaurants(4)
6. Adonai(3)
7. Station/buses(3)
8. Farm Shop(2)
9. School(2)
10. Live Music/Arts(1)
11. Ramblers(3)
12. Dance(1)
13 Table Tennis(2)
14. Wilding on the green(4)
15. Green open space(5)
16, Post Office (2)
17. Village the right size.(2)
Cycle Path/Boniface Trail
Protect Open Spaces we have
More Open Space/ playground in West town side/esp on Church Field (see Sue Gee Letter)
Footpaths Station Road in particular and to allotments/ Link to Rowhorne
Facilities for young people
More stopping trains
More use of church and churchyard
Clean up the river to be able to swimming it.
Bowling Green
Outdoor events
Village Shop/ also makes for care in the community
Increased play areas for all ages/outdoor gym
Stop speeding on A377 and Station Road
Increase profile of Rec/ Womens' provision
Hall and Rec to work together more
Modernise Rec Facilities
More wilding in Arboretum
Signage - QR codes?
Golf course/ Leisure use
More trees
1. Arboretum(9)
2. Rec. Club and Ground(6)
3. Village Hall(4)
4. Footpaths/River(7)
5 Pubs/restaurants(4)
6. Adonai(3)
7. Station/buses(3)
8. Farm Shop(2)
9. School(2)
10. Live Music/Arts(1)
11. Ramblers(3)
12. Dance(1)
13 Table Tennis(2)
14. Wilding on the green(4)
15. Green open space(5)
16, Post Office (2)
17. Village the right size.(2)
Cycle Path/Boniface Trail
Protect Open Spaces we have
More Open Space/ playground in West town side/esp on Church Field (see Sue Gee Letter)
Footpaths Station Road in particular and to allotments/ Link to Rowhorne
Facilities for young people
More stopping trains
More use of church and churchyard
Clean up the river to be able to swimming it.
Bowling Green
Outdoor events
Village Shop/ also makes for care in the community
Increased play areas for all ages/outdoor gym
Stop speeding on A377 and Station Road
Increase profile of Rec/ Womens' provision
Hall and Rec to work together more
Modernise Rec Facilities
More wilding in Arboretum
Signage - QR codes?
Golf course/ Leisure use
More trees
From NP Forum 25th Feb 2023
Click on image to enlarge.
Click on image to enlarge.
Transport and Infrastructure.
Summary from the Flipcharts
Bus Service (9).
Rail Service (7).
Public & permissive footpaths (4).
New Pelican crossing.
Bird song.
Wild Animals.
Road Warden scheme.
Church Hall/Rec.
Link to Airport.
New cycle route -Crediton to Exeter (7).
Reduced speed limit and better traffic management (6).
Footpath along Station Road to Sweetham (4).
Village Shop (3).
More trains/buses-digit display for next service (3).
Community Energy Scheme.
More parking in the village.
Stop cars idling near school.
Speed restrictions/enforcement-cameras (5).
Electric Charging points(4).
Car share/co cars(4).
More reliable bus/train services (4).
Crossing for Tytheings (3)
More off road parking (2).
Boniface Trail signposted (2).
By-pass for the village (2).
Forget any development until current infrastructure fit for purpose.
NS to become a designated train stop.
Use smaller buses.
Cycle parking.
A cycle route/footpath to any new development.
More consideration in planning for utilities/sewage.
Summary from the Flipcharts
Bus Service (9).
Rail Service (7).
Public & permissive footpaths (4).
New Pelican crossing.
Bird song.
Wild Animals.
Road Warden scheme.
Church Hall/Rec.
Link to Airport.
New cycle route -Crediton to Exeter (7).
Reduced speed limit and better traffic management (6).
Footpath along Station Road to Sweetham (4).
Village Shop (3).
More trains/buses-digit display for next service (3).
Community Energy Scheme.
More parking in the village.
Stop cars idling near school.
Speed restrictions/enforcement-cameras (5).
Electric Charging points(4).
Car share/co cars(4).
More reliable bus/train services (4).
Crossing for Tytheings (3)
More off road parking (2).
Boniface Trail signposted (2).
By-pass for the village (2).
Forget any development until current infrastructure fit for purpose.
NS to become a designated train stop.
Use smaller buses.
Cycle parking.
A cycle route/footpath to any new development.
More consideration in planning for utilities/sewage.
Flood protection (4)
Green Spaces & Bio-diversity (3)
Cleanish Air/Dark Skies (2)
Existing Initiatives by N.E.W. (3)
Access to the River.
Bus & Train links
Flood Group
Community Energy Scheme (4)
Creedy Flood Alleviation (3)
Solar Panels (3) [over all carparks]
Encourage Bio-diversity (3)
More trees/Hedgerows (4)
Sustainable farming (2)
Wind turbine (in the right place)
Carbon neutral
Zero plastic
Green waste re-cycling
Community orchards and woodland
No new housing on the flood plain
EV Charging Points
Community owned/sustainable energy (3)
Retro-fit/Solar Panels (3)
Improve water quality in the River & Flood Alleviation (3)
Better traffic management, public transport, Cycle & Foot Paths (4)
Solar farm in the right place
Encourage plant-based diet
Use of empty houses
More eco-friendly/Carbon neutral houses
Carbon Neutral
Tree planting without plastic
More EV charging points
Planned support in cold weather
Wildlife habitat/Food resilience
Flood protection (4)
Green Spaces & Bio-diversity (3)
Cleanish Air/Dark Skies (2)
Existing Initiatives by N.E.W. (3)
Access to the River.
Bus & Train links
Flood Group
Community Energy Scheme (4)
Creedy Flood Alleviation (3)
Solar Panels (3) [over all carparks]
Encourage Bio-diversity (3)
More trees/Hedgerows (4)
Sustainable farming (2)
Wind turbine (in the right place)
Carbon neutral
Zero plastic
Green waste re-cycling
Community orchards and woodland
No new housing on the flood plain
EV Charging Points
Community owned/sustainable energy (3)
Retro-fit/Solar Panels (3)
Improve water quality in the River & Flood Alleviation (3)
Better traffic management, public transport, Cycle & Foot Paths (4)
Solar farm in the right place
Encourage plant-based diet
Use of empty houses
More eco-friendly/Carbon neutral houses
Carbon Neutral
Tree planting without plastic
More EV charging points
Planned support in cold weather
Wildlife habitat/Food resilience
HEALTH and WELLBEING - Feedback from the Forum 25th Feb 2023
Health and wellbeing
Health and wellbeing
- Arboretum 5
- Pub 3
- Farm shop / Hall / Church 1
- Countryside access 8
- Community spirit 4
- Quiet, fresh air 2
- Farm animals / current conservation zones 1
- Walks 6
- Cycling / sports facilities 1
- Clubs / Hall activities 3
- Warm Wednesdays / Adonai kitchen / Musical events 2
- Revels 1
- Neighbourhood Watch / Newton Wonder / Neighbourhood Support / History 1
- Protect arboretum / Village shop / Use church more / Swimming pool / Crossing at Tyething Close / GP outpost surgery / Dog field 1
- Community orchard / More available green space / More trees and biodiversity / Protect current green space / Plan for heat stress 1
- Cycleway into town 2
- More footpaths / Safe walking path from Half Moon to School 1
1. Exercise classes 1
- Excess produce shop / Grow and supply veg and fruit for community / Network volunteers 1
- Protect arboretum / Small gym 1
- Reduce traffic volume and speed 4
- Increase diversity / Increase and map footpaths / Extend conservation areas / Community grow your own / More sustainable farming practices / Improve river water quality / Protect current open spaces / Green sites for. Community use 1
- Cycles paths / more physical activities eg cycling group 1
More hall events 1
- Increased opportunities for inclusion for all ages especially younger people 2
- Car share / Establish Co-Op or P.A. Networks / Community involvement in the environment / Foster sense of community / Safeguard Newton Wonder / Volunteer groups
NSC NHP Forum Results Summary for Local Economy
Pub/ restaurants 5, Cheese Shop 4, Breweries 3, Diversity 2, Quality local produce 2, Post Office 2, Farming 2, Forestry 2, Variety, Pride, Currently Integrated and appropriate for the area, Local employment, Sustainable employment, Bus services, Access to countryside, Nursery, Food from community allotment, Home Working, Local to Exeter, Adonai Kitchen, Volunteer Groups and Opportunity for self-employment.
Community/ local work Hub to encourage local businesses, local projects and WFH 5, Encourage local enterprise 3, Café for getting together 2, Village Shop with Post Office 2, Maintain appropriate development (no heavy industry/ milling lorries/ biomass), Create a doughnut economy, i.e. sustainable holistic development, Employment opportunities for the young, More diversity of business as climate change forces existing ones to close, Building caring communities, IT training for older people, Holiday lodges for Tourism, Sustainable Farming, Safe Cycling Routes, Better Internet, Units for business as shops or workshops, A stronger local economy, Water and parking for allotments and Use the church more strategically.
Better internet to support WFH 4, Create a community shop (mobile?) 3, Use of existing premises for work hub/ shop/ post office 3, Low cost rent to encourage start-ups 2, Raise diversity of local sustainable employment, Local artisans in Unit, Diverse range of light industry, Community Fridge, Farmers Market on Green, Local Café, Milk Vending machines, Improve Public Transport connections, Affordable housing for younger population, Holiday Lodges for Tourism, Tourism by ‘champing’, camping in the church, Boniface Trail, Slower traffic on A377 and back lanes, Better mobile phone connectivity, More local self-sufficiency, Better shuttle bus service to local area, Make use of river for socialising, Community bus /taxi service.
Pub/ restaurants 5, Cheese Shop 4, Breweries 3, Diversity 2, Quality local produce 2, Post Office 2, Farming 2, Forestry 2, Variety, Pride, Currently Integrated and appropriate for the area, Local employment, Sustainable employment, Bus services, Access to countryside, Nursery, Food from community allotment, Home Working, Local to Exeter, Adonai Kitchen, Volunteer Groups and Opportunity for self-employment.
Community/ local work Hub to encourage local businesses, local projects and WFH 5, Encourage local enterprise 3, Café for getting together 2, Village Shop with Post Office 2, Maintain appropriate development (no heavy industry/ milling lorries/ biomass), Create a doughnut economy, i.e. sustainable holistic development, Employment opportunities for the young, More diversity of business as climate change forces existing ones to close, Building caring communities, IT training for older people, Holiday lodges for Tourism, Sustainable Farming, Safe Cycling Routes, Better Internet, Units for business as shops or workshops, A stronger local economy, Water and parking for allotments and Use the church more strategically.
Better internet to support WFH 4, Create a community shop (mobile?) 3, Use of existing premises for work hub/ shop/ post office 3, Low cost rent to encourage start-ups 2, Raise diversity of local sustainable employment, Local artisans in Unit, Diverse range of light industry, Community Fridge, Farmers Market on Green, Local Café, Milk Vending machines, Improve Public Transport connections, Affordable housing for younger population, Holiday Lodges for Tourism, Tourism by ‘champing’, camping in the church, Boniface Trail, Slower traffic on A377 and back lanes, Better mobile phone connectivity, More local self-sufficiency, Better shuttle bus service to local area, Make use of river for socialising, Community bus /taxi service.