Fun Time to be had at Newton Nappies Toddler Group.
Newton Nappies is a thriving toddler group for the under 5’s held in the village hall every Wednesday morning of the school term 9.30 -11.30am.
There are lots of different activities and toys for children to play with, including the climbing frame, slides, cars, indoor and outdoor toys, books, puzzles and games.
Each week a different activity is on offer which could include craft, painting, cooking, messy play, ice play etc. Recently we have made some Cress Heads, and painted some pictures inspired by ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ book. You may have seen some of our art work on display in the village hall.
A healthy snack and drink are provided for the children, not forgetting the grown ups who also get hot drinks and biscuits or even cake on special occasions. We finish the session with some singing or a story.
All parents, grandparents and carers with an under 5 are welcome to join us for just £2.00 per session which includes the snack and all craft materials.
If you would like more details then please do not hesitate to contact Emily on (01392) 851899 or via email [email protected]
or why not pop along and say Hello to us at the Newton Revels, where we will have a variety of fun activities on offer to keep the little ones entertained.
Newton Nappies is a thriving toddler group for the under 5’s held in the village hall every Wednesday morning of the school term 9.30 -11.30am.
There are lots of different activities and toys for children to play with, including the climbing frame, slides, cars, indoor and outdoor toys, books, puzzles and games.
Each week a different activity is on offer which could include craft, painting, cooking, messy play, ice play etc. Recently we have made some Cress Heads, and painted some pictures inspired by ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ book. You may have seen some of our art work on display in the village hall.
A healthy snack and drink are provided for the children, not forgetting the grown ups who also get hot drinks and biscuits or even cake on special occasions. We finish the session with some singing or a story.
All parents, grandparents and carers with an under 5 are welcome to join us for just £2.00 per session which includes the snack and all craft materials.
If you would like more details then please do not hesitate to contact Emily on (01392) 851899 or via email [email protected]
or why not pop along and say Hello to us at the Newton Revels, where we will have a variety of fun activities on offer to keep the little ones entertained.